Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When I am not in class, do not assume I was with my boyfriend simply because he was not in class.
What are you, fucking stupid? Have you not learned from the last three times you assumed that is isn't true?
The one day I was with him, I was sick and slept at his house all morning.
You are stupid. And for somebody who seems so smart, you truly are the dumbest bitch I've ever met.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lights come up on ME, being an ASSHOLE.
I hate this place and I just want to leave.
First of all, I want the bitches in the office to - wait, no. Let me rephrase that. The BITCH in the office to leave me alone. When I come in late, it's none of her business. She doesn't know where I was or what I was doing. Somebody needs to fire her or seriously put her in her place. It's not okay to talk about students when they leave the room, especially AROUND OTHER STUDENTS WHO ARE JUST GOING TO TELL ME WHAT YOU SAID.
I can't believe somebody here would be so unprofessional as to talk shit about me when I turn around. My attendance is none of your business. If you were the dean, the principal, my teacher or my mother, then maybe it would be. But since you're not, IT ISN'T.
Second of all, Jeremy is mad at me, I'm pretty sure, because I drop everything and go with Angela. Do you know why I drop everything to go with her? So she doesn't have ammo to use against me later. So she can't say, "Kaylee always runs off with Jeremy" - which she says ANYWAY. I try so frigging hard to be on good terms with her. And yes, when I'm with Jeremy, it makes her angry, which makes her bitchy towards me, which makes me have to deal with her crap. So, I guess it's a selfish thing, but STILL. I can't stop being decent around her. I can't do it, no matter how much she sucks.
Speaking of which, she won't stop giving Jeremy really awful looks and she KNOWS I'm looking. I don't think she understands that what she thinks about him means 0% to me. Unless she's being mean to me about it, I could give two craps about what she thinks about anything she doesn't like. Which is everything. I don't know, I want to move away so I don't have to see her judgmental face anymore.
Plus, tomorrow, Hannah and Jeremy are going to Mihalik's teacher of the year thing, which would be fun to go to, but I haven't been asked to go, and I would feel like such a dill hole asking to go. And no, it's not because Jeremy's going, it's because Jeremy AND Hannah are going, and they are my gym class, and I don't want to be alone in that class with freaking awful freshman boys who try to plough people over.
I never get to see Jeremy. Not enough. Things get in the way. I hate this. I hate this, hate this, hate this. I want to go sleep at his house.
I'm poor. So, so very poor.
And now I'm worried that somebody from the tech department is reading this and is walking down the hall to get me and take away my internet privileges and suspend me. That would happen here, I bet.
Please, fake-God, let this year be over faster.
Shit, now this period is ending and I have to go to anatomy, for which I have not done my homework in weeks.
No wonder administration here hates me.
My mother thinks I'm a whore.
I got rejected from my stop school and haven't told, like, anybody.
I hate this. I want to leave.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Lights rise on two girls standing and talking at a locker SR. One, HANNAH, is talking and making jokes and the other, KAYLA, is laughing at them genuinely. SL, a couple walk on, a boy, DEREK, and a girl, KERRY. They are giggling profusely and walking very slowly hand-in-hand. Several students are attempting to walk past them, but they take up a majority of the hallway and will not speed up or pay attention to anyone else. HANNAH takes notice of this.

Jesus Christ, you'd think they could leave each other alone for two seconds and realize that people like to fucking walk in the hallway.

I know. I'm so sick of people like that. I see them everywhere. I was on my way to geometry and I saw at LEAST four couples with their tongues down each others' throats.

It's disgusting! Look at them. Kerry used to be one of my favorite people. I haven't seen her leave her boyfriend's side for three minutes since they got together, what, a month ago? When she gets out of French with me, he's standing there waiting. She walks to and from every class with him, except they don't walk, they amble like fucking cows. And if that wasn't enough, they stand outside the classroom making out before and after they leave.

[Shaking her head]
I'll never understand people like that.

It's simple. When people get boyfriends, they apparently start to suck.

[Looking at KERRY and DEREK making out against a locker]
No shit.

It's pretty much inevitable. I am so sick of the way people act when they're coupled.

KERRY and DEREK walk giggling offstage. HANNAH and KAYLA stare after them disgustedly.

[Turning back to KAYLA]
Anyway, now that that's over, do you want to hang out at my house on Saturday?

Sure. Oh, wait, crap. I have a rehearsal. [Pause] Eh, whatever. I'll come over after.

They continue silent dialogue as HANNAH pulls thing out of her locker and puts them in her bag. Just then, two more people walk on SL talking. A girl, GEORGIA, and a boy, DARIUS, are in conversation. They are arguing amicably.

I'm just saying, I don't have much faith in humanity when it comes to that kind of thing.

I guess I don't either, but it just sounds so... so fricking pessimistic when you put it like that!

[Not angry, trying to be persuasive, level-headed]
You can't trust peoples' motives like that. It's just not practical. It won't get you anywhere!

[Rolling her eyes, friendly]
I guess. Argh, psychology class always puts me in such a "let's questioning-humanity!" mood.

They stop beside a locker and continue talking, dialogue silent as KAYLA and HANNAH resume. NOTE: They are not touching each other as KERRY and DEREK were.

Oh, Jesus. I don't want to deal with her right now.

Georgie? Or Darius?

Either of them. They're the same person.

[Raising an eyebrow]

Oh, didn't you know? They're a couple, too. The bestest, cutest boyfriend-girlfriend pair you ever did see. It makes me fucking sick, considering the way Darius used to be.

Yeah, but wasn't that a long time ago?

Not that long.

Still. He doesn't still do that, does he?

I wouldn't know, I haven't talked to him. I don't make a habit of re-befriending people that ditched me for their girlfriends.

[Wrinkling her nose]
I hated Darius and Emily together.

Jesus, I don't know why anybody would want to be with him. He's... he's scum, seriously, he's full of it. He ditched his friends for her, too.

They stop and look at DARIUS and GEORGIA, who are still arguing about the intent of humankind silently.

[Cocking her head]
Are you sure they're together?

Yeah. I asked her to hang out the other night, she just got all giddy and stupid-sounding and said she was sleeping over at Darius'.

Oh, god. Are they sleeping together?



I wouldn't put it past her. She'd probably throw everything to the wind because of him. People do that.


DARIUS pulls GEORGIA into a quick, one-armed hug with his free hand [the other is full of books].

See you after school.


GEORGIA stands there for a minute smiling, then walks a little further up, kneels on the ground, drops her bag and begins opening a bottom locker. Lights dim on her side of the stage.

Oh, look, they're apart.

I guess I didn't even notice. Now that I think about it, I haven't really seen Georgia much lately.

She's probably off having sex with Darius. [Kayla snorts at this] No joke.

[Still laughing]
You know, if I didn't know you better, I'd say you sounded a little jealous.

[Taken aback]
What?! Of Georgia, or of Darius?!

[Shrugging, still joking and laughing]
I dunno, either.

No, stop. Stop! [Kayla stops laughing] I'm not jealous.

I know.

Then why did you say it?

[Raising an eyebrow]
It... it just sounded like that, that's all.

[Dismissive, angry]
That's fucking stupid. I get jealous when I see a cute pair of shoes on someone ugly. I get jealous when my brother gets twenty bucks for the weekend and I don't. I don't get jealous when a friend of mine decides to start acting like a douche bag.

[Shaking her head, snorting]
Okay, jeez, Hannah. Calm down. I'm late for AP, I've got to go.

Yeah, whatever. Later.

Lights down. Lights rise on a GUIDANCE office. GEORGIA sits with MS. PRATT, her guidance counselor. They are sorting through papers.

So, Georgia, know where you're going yet?

[Holding hands up to head]
Ahh, I have no idea. I've only heard back from three places.


Uhh... Notre Dame, John's Hopkins and Syracuse.


I only got into Syracuse.

Ahh, Georgia, I'm sorry. I know you wanted Hopkins.

It's alright. Anyway, I think I might go to Syracuse. Darius - you know Darius - he might be going to Cornell, so that's be cool if we were close.

[Filling out forms, distracted]
Darius, he's your boyfriend?


Well, it's good that you're not depending on him. A lot of people go to a college only because their boyfriend or girlfriend's going, and when it doesn't work out, they resent the fact. I'm glad you're independent with your choices.

Ha, yeah.

[Still distracted]
You look tired. Sleeping alright?

[Picking at nails]
[Sigh] No.

Is everything okay? Late nights, or what?

Sometimes, but it's not just the hours. Even when I sleep enough, I can't...I can't wake up. I can't get to bed. I don't know.

Is it college?

No, it's...everything. I don't know.


God, no, he's - he's fine, I just - I don't know. I'm really overwhelmed. It's - it's my parents, and school, and I keep having these weird...I don't know. I think they're panic attacks. I get them all the time, between classes - sometimes even in classes, I just have to keep my head down or people think I'm freaking out or something.

Have you seen a doctor? Or a psychologist?

My parents wouldn't take me. They don't... they don't really believe in that stuff.

There's nothing to believe, Georgia. Panic attacks are a real problem. You need to see someone.




Can you promise me you'll see someone?

I really can't. I just...I don't have the resources. My parents - ah. I don't know. I- I have a lot of stuff to do, I don't have time. I'll try, I'm sorry.

It's important that you see someone. Panic attacks aren't a part of life, Georgia, they're a real problem. If you don't take care of them, they can really take control. And that's something you don't want, believe me.

Yeah. I'm sorry, Ms. Pratt, I really have to go, I'm going to miss AP.

She rushes out the door, leaving a binder on MS. PRATT's desk. MS. PRATT begins to call after her, but she is gone, so she holds onto the binder, looking distressed. She sets it aside, goes back to filling out forms for a short beat, then looks back at the binder, gets up and walks out with it.
Lights up on DARIUS' house. DARIUS lays on the couch, GEORGIA lays sprawled upside-down across Darius, half on the floor, with her arm in a half-tipped bowl of popcorn. There is another couch, but they are full of school books and assorted junk. DARIUS is twisting and braiding her hair.

[Reaches for a handful of popcorn, but tips the bowl over. She burps, laughing.]
Hey, don't knot it, I need that.

Need what?

My hair!

Oh, thou art vain.

[Punching him in the side]
Shut up, Darius.


[Raising an eyebrow]
So, Hannah knows we're together?

[Turning around]
Of course, she's...she's my best friend, I told her a long time ago. Why?

Just wondering. She's been pretty cool towards me lately.

Eh, she's like that.

Why, though?

I dunno. I'm kind of just used to it.



Hey, Darius?

[Eyes closed]

Ever had a panic attack?

Once, I think.



Georgie, are you okay?

[Sliding down to sit on the floor cross-legged]
Yeah, I guess. I just...

[Sitting up]
Just what?

[Getting progessively more upset, should start crying near the end in frustration]
I think I've been having them for awhile and people keep telling me I should see a doctor but my parents will never let that happen and - Jesus, I'm so stressed out and I can't stop thinking about how much I have to do and I don't want to scare you or anything but sometimes I get so overwhelmed I think I'm going to take all my hair and yank it out and - and eat it!

She buries her face in her hands, practically hyperventilating.
Darius almost starts laughing, smiles instead and pulls her into a hug on the floor.
Georgia looks up.

[Wiping eyes, smiling]
It's not funny, you ass!

I know it's not. [He puts his hands on her shoulders] Just - calm down, Georgie, take a breath. You have to take this stuff one step at a time. If you need to see a doctor, I'll take you. Just - tell me what you need, I want to help in any way I can.

[Pause] You do help.

GEORGIA and DARIUS look at each other for a minute. GEORGIA laughs and wipes at her eyes and nose. She hugs DARIUS. Lights go down.

Lights come up on GEORGIA and HANNAH sitting next to each other in class. Several desks are set up in rows. Sitting beside GEORGIA are HANNAH and BRIAN, a skinny boy with black hair. Sitting beside HANNAH are KAYLA and GEORGIA. DARIUS is visible in the second row, far from HANNAH, KAYLA, GEORGIA and BRIAN. MRS. DOUGLAS, a thin older woman, it writing at her desk, occasionally looking up at the students, who are taking a quiz. There is a beat where BRIAN, HANNAH and KAYLA finish their quizzes and walk up to the front of the room to put them on MRS. DOUGLAS' desk. GEORGIA is still working. Some students begin talking quietly.

[To Kayla]
I fucking hate history. I'm never going to take a history elective in college. Ever.

Ha, I probably will. I think they frown on lawyers not taking social studies classes.

[Almost haughty]
History isn't the same as social studies.

I know, but, you know. Same.

No, not the same, that's my point.

[Looking up]
Guys, make sure you stay quiet, some people are still finishing their quiz.

[Almost accidental]

[Raising hand quickly]
Me, I'm almost done, though. Don't mind me. I've got, like, two questions left.

KAYLA and HANNAH exchange a quick look. A beat passes where GEORGIA too finishes and passes in her quiz.

[With some humor]
Alright, that shouldn't have been too hard, so hopefully you all passed. You'll need those grades to balance out the complete atrocity that was your Roosevelt quiz. [Most people groan or look agonized, BRIAN leans to GEORGIA and whispers, "I got a ten"] Anyway, I've got to go photocopy the tests for next week. I'll be back in a minute. And for God's sakes, don't do anything while I'm gone.

She exits. The class begins talking, doodling, pulling out iPods, etc.

[Leaning over]
Georgie, how did you do?

[Putting hands over face]
Fucking awful! I didn't study at all, I think I did worse on this one than the Roosevelt one.


[Ears perking up, turning around]
Why didn't you study?

I dunno, I kind of just got home and crashed last night.


[Curiously, innocently]
Hangin' out with Darius?

Well, yeah, for a little while, but I got home and I was still really tired.


[Singsong, quietly]
Should have stu-died.

[Looking taken aback]
Yeah... probably.

A beat passes. DARIUS gets GEORGIA's attention, all the while KAYLA and HANNAH are watching their conversation critically.

Hey, do you want to hang out Sunday?

Yeah, sure.

[Lowering voice]
You feeling any better?

Yeah, much better. Thanks.
HANNAH makes a face.

[To herself, kind of]
Maybe she wouldn't be tired if she didn't hang out with you all the time.

[Glancing up]

That's not why. My sleep isn't great anymore, you know that.

How would I know that? Like you talk to me anymore.

I talk to you all the time.

Not about anything real.

That's because you don't want to listen to me! Jesus, don't pin this on me, it's just as much your fault as mine.

Right. It's my fault that you have a shitty boyfriend and never leave his side.

What are you talking about? I hardly ever get to see him. Between rehearsal, and the few times I hang out with you, and hanging out with other people and work and class - are you kidding me? Are you serious? And don't start LECTURING me about why I'm tired; you have no idea!

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want everybody to stop talking to you because of him?

...Hannah, that doesn't even make sense.

Yeah, it does. You're just not willing to listen. If you would listen to me, you would get why I don't like hanging out with you anymore. It's Darius this, Darius that.

I never talk about him with you. I know you don't like him. [To herself] Although I don't get WHY...


[Spinning around]
Oh my god, you are the last person who needs to get involved with this. [Turning back] I don't care what you don't say. If you don't say something you're thinking, it doesn't make it not true. I know you think about him all the time. I can't talk to you about anything... anything of substance anymore, because you're different. You're thinking about him, and it sucks. You're a sucky person for it. And I know I'm being bitchy and snarky and I know you like him, but you make me sick. Every time I see you, you make me sick.

[Looks angry. Stares at the desk. A long beat passes.]

What, you've stopped talking to me? Oh well, that's nothing new.

[Voice flat]
No, Hannah. I just don't know what you expect me to say to that. [Pause] I make you sick? Is that your argument against me?

I'm sorry, that's just what I think.

[Outraged, truly mean for the first time; everyone is staring now, or trying not to]
You've done this to me every time I've ever been with someone. Since the fourth grade. FOURTH GRADE, HANNAH! What, are you afraid that people are going to leave you forever for their boyfriends? [Standing up] Did your mother neglect you growing up because she had a new fiancee? No. I know that didn't happen, because I know you too well. You're my best friend. Or, you were. You know, in psych, I'm learning about stages of childhood development that make people the way they are.
There's nothing in your past that would make you this way. I know. I've been there for all of it. I think you forget that sometimes. I have been there for you through EVERYTHING. And even now, I'd still be there for you. Just because all of my spare time isn't time with YOU doesn't mean I don't like you anymore. It doesn't mean he's all I think about. It definitely doesn't mean I don't care about you.
And yeah, I think about him a lot. Want to know why? Because I'm seeing him. Forgive me, but I was under the impression that it was good to be crazy about the person you're with. And I hear all the comments you make. I hear every shitty remark you make about my so-called sex life. I hear every mean thing you say about me that isn't true. Everything gets back to me. I hear every-single-word! It's all your bitchy speculation, and it hurts. You're mean. You are a MEAN PERSON. But you know what, Hannah? If there's no reason your like this, and you would actually treat somebody you care about like this, I can't care that our friendship has turned to crap. If this is the way you act about your "best friend" having a boyfriend, I would hate to see your best friend do anything... anything that would offend a normal person. I would hate to see you have a boyfriend of your own.

That will never happen. I will never act like you do with him.

[With conviction, finality]
Of course. It's not because you're better than me, though. It's because I know that no person will ever look at you and think you're the kind of person they want to be around for the rest of their lives. [Pause] I can't see anyone wanting to be around you now. I don't.

She sits down. DARIUS stares at her nervously.
HANNAH bites her lip.
MRS. DOUGLAS walks back into the room holding a stack of papers and a cup of coffee. She looks at the room, sensing something is wrong. Setting the papers down, she sits back down at the desk and begins stapling them uneasily. Blackout

Lights rise on the classroom again. It is apparent that time has passed. GEORGIA sits next to an empty chair where KAYLA was, and BRIAN. DARIUS has moved closer to GEORGIA. KAYLA and HANNAH have moved one seat away from GEORGIA, leaving the gap. All students write for a beat. KAYLA and HANNAH exchange a brief look, then KAYLA glances at GEORGIA. Lights go down.

Lights rise on the classroom again. KAYLA has moved back next to GEORGIA, but HANNAH has moved another seat over, sitting next to someone else. KAYLA, GEORGIA and BRIAN sit next to eachother, DARIUS remains close, but not next to them. Lights go down.

Lights half-rise on the lockers from the beginning scene. The hallway is mostly dark. GEORGIA bursts out of a classroom door, crying and breathing heavily. She sits down, teetering, and sits with her knees drawn to her chest. She tries to control her breathing until she begins to calm down. MS. PRATT walks onstage briskly, seeing Georgia, and sits down beside her.
Georgia becomes calm.

Mrs. Douglas called me.

I figured.

Have you seen a doctor?

I did.

Are they getting any better?

This is my first one all month.

Oh, good. I was worrying about you, you know. What changed?

Ha... not much, I guess. I don't know.

How are you?

Better, actually. A lot better. I dunno, some things have just gotten cleared up, I think. For the better.

That's good. I've got to run. Are you okay for now?

Yeah, I'm fine. I'll get back to class in a minute. I think I should probably go to the bathroom first, I must look crazy.

Only a little. Take as long as you need.

MS. PRATT gets up and walks offstage, casting a glance back at GEORGIA.
Georgia gets up and walks offstage.
Lights go down.
Half-lights come back up on the hallway.
HANNAH bursts out of an opposite off-stage door (than GEORGIA did). She is obviously in the middle of a panic attack, and she is crying and hyperventilating. She slouches down in front of GEORGIA'S locker [unintentionally] and cries for awhile. MS. PRATT comes out of the same offstage classroom, headed in the opposite direction, but hears HANNAH and turns around.

Hannah? Are you okay?

Yeah - just - give me a minute.

What happened?

Nothing, they - it just happens. All the time.

How long?

[Still crying]
About a month.

I have to go give these papers to Mrs. Douglas, but I'll be back in one second. Don't go anywhere, okay?

HANNAH nods. MS. PRATT enters MRS. DOUGLAS' door, it closes.
HANNAH continues crying against the locker.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dear "God",

Please let my brain come back.

One of your Nonbelievers

Monday, January 26, 2009

I am worried
every second
of every day
that what I am saying
or thinking
is made-up.

I know I'm happy
but I
don't understand
I want to hit you so badly. I want to knock your tiny little baby teeth out of your fat head.
I want to rip apart everything you stand for
Today you condescended somebody for handling raw meat
You are so full of shit, you know.
You haven't had a relationship in three years
It's not because nobody is good enough
It's because nobody likes you.
You fucking stupid, hypocritical bitch.
I deserve better.

Monday, December 29, 2008

It it bad that
EVERY second of EVERY day
I want your hands on me?
Is it bad that
I started crying because
I thought of us going to college in different places?

...I think it's bad that
When I'm standing next to you
I don't think of anything except
Your tongue in my mouth.

Is that bad?
I want it to be.